
Art is a Conversation

By this we mean art is a form of communication between two or more people.  It could be between present and future self even.  And, that we should practice art in a way that contributes to conversation.  Honesty, and brevity are two words I would use.  Listen, Think, Respond, and Listen again.



 Live for the Future

Do not tie yourself down to ideas of the past or current society.  Let these concepts pass around you as you move into the future.  Enjoy it, do not try to capture or cage the moments, as this will only cage yourself.



Live Sustainably

Do not take more than you can use effectively.  What we have is a gift, and we should put this gift to use for others.  Eat what nature provides, in its season.  Wear clothes that are comfortable and last.  Do not flaunt wealth, this is waste. 


There are no masters, only students.  When we stop learning we have taken a different path.  Look to others for knowledge, even a simple insect can teach us lessons.  Be grateful for the opportunity to share knowledge.